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Dragon 22'0"

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Dragon 22'0"

Short Facts

Red Paddle Co

Halwell Business Park
Halwell, Totnes

Phone: +44 1803 712 140

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Stats (Metric)

671 cms / 21'12"
86.4 cms / 34"
20.3 cms / 8"
984 ltr / 259.9 gal
Team SUP racing is taking the sport to the next level, so we’re delighted to introduce the all-new 22’0″ Dragon – Red Paddle Co’s first four-person race board. Don’t be duped by its size: this is one fast machine and with the power of eight arms driving paddles through the water, it can reach an incredible rate of knots.

The 22’0″ Dragon retains the same features as most of the Race family, including profiled nose, slim body, and high sides so that it rises out of the water and slices through the waves. It has eight lateral handles for ease of transport, and is also covered in an extra large decked with a large dragon design, warning other competitors to watch out if they don’t want to get smoked!

For 2017, we’ve added a special screw thread to all of our boards that is compatible with RAM MOUNTS products, the world leading accessory bracket manufacturer. Enabling you to securely attach a range of accessories, from GPS devices and cameras to fishing rods and cup holders.

Number of riders : upto 4

What's in the box?

At Red Paddle Co we like to think we offer more than just a authentic paddle board experience, with the 22’0″ Dragon you also get:

Red Paddle Co storage pack
Four Ezee Pumpa
Repair Kit
Water resistant phone case
Removable US box Fins

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