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PLAYAK.COM Freestyle Series 2000, all results

PLAYAK.COM got fed up with the corporate marketing bullshit. Hyper-mega-X-link-plastic, fins, negative round hulls, etc etc etc. Then some companies sponsor 2000 boaters and surprise, they can show pretty good results over all those competitions. And so we made our own formula, taking into account how many people start in a certain boat in a rodeo. Some of the largest rodeo organisers cooperated and so we can now show the the first totally independent test of how good the boats have actually been doing in 2000. Check it out!

Attention: Only those boats with total scores over 100 are shown here.

The PLAYAK formula takes into account the ranking of each boat and compensates for the number of each boat type that entered the contest.

Pacific City

riot wavesport dagger perception wavesport dagger pyranha
disco xxx ultrafuge amp forplay centrifuge prozone
182 176 161 123 121 118 107

Maupin Daze

dagger wavesport wavesport riot pyranha dagger dagger perception
ultrafuge xxx forplay disco prozone centrifuge medieval amp
168 163 145 143 128 117 114 107


wavesport riot pyranha wavesport perception dagger dagger
xxx disco prozone forplay amp ultrafuge centrifuge
183 158 141 137 135 134 126

Bob's Hole

wavesport dagger riot wavesport perception pyranha
xxx ultrafuge disco forplay amp prozone
180 174 158 111 105 105


wavesport riot
xxx disco
141 131


Ok, less than 100 points are listed here. People were participating in so many different exotic boats that none of them scored over 100. Only the men's K1 results are counted (85 paddlers), the women and juniors both had less than 10 paddlers so these categories are not considered representative.

riot wavesport pyranha riot perception
trickster forplay prozone disco amp
36 35 32 28 21

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