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What's the best boat for absolute beginners?

Results of the February 2000 poll. The question was 'What's the best boat for absolute beginners these days? Still a good old banana-boat or should they rather paddle a modern boat right from the beginning?'

It was a pretty close call between the old and new playboats, but at least it seems clear now that we will not put a beginner in a Corsica-S, Taifun or a Rainbow Reaction anymore, which was absolutely the norm 4 years ago. In the next questionaire, we'll try to find out which one it should be excatly: Hammer, RPM, Gliss, Kendo, Kendo Evolution, Fly, Redline, Jive?

Best beginner's boat. End results March 9 2000.

   Titanic-style: Taifun etc (83)

   Banana-boat: Corsica etc (46)

   Old playboat: RPM, Kendo etc (205)

   Flat funcruiser: Jive, Hammer, X etc (233)

   Rodeoboat: Glide, Forplay etc (111)

Total Votes: 678

Poll User Comments 1 - 10

gliss=bluntmachin 3/8/00 7:19:57 AM
gliss is the best 3/7/00 10:47:38 AM
gleid 3/7/00 2:07:51 AM
RPM is best boat for beginners 3/5/00 4:50:45 AM
the disco is so stable, big volume and fun it would accelerate beginners at warp factor 10![my disco is almost as good as my dancer XT!]tom, scotland 3/2/00 3:30:07 PM
RPM rules!! 2/29/00 11:03:52 AM
An X is perfect for a beginer cause it teaches how to roll with a flat bottem boat and it's edges don't catch too much. It's nice and loose. 2/29/00 8:53:31 AM
old playboat 2/27/00 4:31:34 PM
Stubby!!!! 2/26/00 7:33:53 PM
the gliss bliss blunt sieries are probably your best bet for a first boat i think 2/26/00 10:35:16 AM
depends upon the type of person thats learning size is a big factor. 2/25/00 7:50:54 PM
i voted for the RPM but i also think that the hammer section would also be a good choise. It is all to do with the confidence of the beginer. 2/23/00 8:38:19 AM
If your going to go with a flat bottom later, its better to start with a flat bottom now! 2/22/00 5:50:36 PM
rodeo boats may be a bit more aggressive, but they are also more predictable to learn in. 2/21/00 10:43:24 AM
I voted for the Jive etc because they have a flat hull and can do many new school moves but mpoving to the next level would not be such a large leap. 2/20/00 2:52:21 PM

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